Why Puzzles?
When I was a kid, my mom was always working on a jigsaw puzzle. As a 10 year old, I really didn't see much appeal in sitting around the table for hours assembling an image of a horse and buggy in Amish country. I would still help but in little bits here and there.
Then, something changed! I was in my late 30s and found myself mentally engulfed in a random jigsaw puzzle my mother gave me. After a couple years of random second hand puzzles (amish country, candy stores, cabins in the woods, etc!) it dawned on me that the subject matter in puzzles really offered very little for people interested in car stuff!
And that is where the idea of Enthusiast Puzzles began.
I do puzzles for a number or reasons. They offer a screen free way to quiet down the world around me. I can clear my mind over a puzzle for 20 minutes or 2 hours. I can get in the “zone’ solo or with my family. There are no real time constraints or significant investment involved. You get that strange satisfaction of completing a little project!